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frequent questions we receive

What is carbon insetting?

Carbon insetting refers to reducing greenhouse gas emissions within a company's direct or indirect supply chain through sustainability interventions that avoid emissions like fuel switches. It often involves working closely with suppliers, partners or third-parties to implement sustainable practices.

What's the added value of carbon insetting compared to offsetting?

Carbon Offsetting involves compensating for emissions by funding external projects that reduce carbon, like reforestation or renewable energy. It's flexible and supports global sustainability efforts but mostly doesn't avoid emissions.

Carbon Insetting, on the other hand, avoids carbon directly. This method not only reduces emissions where they're produced but also enhances supply chain sustainability and aligns closely with the company's core business, potentially improving efficiency and strengthening stakeholder relationships. It demonstrates a more direct commitment to environmental responsibility, enhancing both brand value and long-term business sustainability.

How do I identify insetting opportunities within my supply chain?

Start by mapping out your supply chain and identifying areas with significant environmental impact. Then, engage with suppliers and stakeholders to find collaborative solutions.
If you can't work within your supply partners to reduce your Scope 3 emissions, you can do so via an indirect supply chain using the Mass Balance or Book and Claim Chain of Custody models.

What benefits can I expect from carbon insetting?

Insetting can lead to a more resilient supply chain, reduced long-term operational risks, and even financial benefits. These projects also help improve brand image by demonstrating environmental leadership.

Does insetting provide any financial advantages?

Yes, insetting can lead to cost savings in the long term by enhancing efficiency, reducing input costs, and decreasing supply chain volatility. Additionally, improved brand reputation can help attract environmentally conscious consumers and insetting practices are certainly cheaper than paying the fine for not complying with emission regulations.

Are there certification standards for carbon insetting projects?

Although there isn't a specific global standard for insetting, companies often use established carbon offset standards as a reference. The International Platform for Insetting (IPI) also offers guidance for project evaluation and implementation.

At CarbonLeap, we use independent third-party verfiers for the certification of the sustainability intervention.