Picture of a truck on an empty road.
Ready to tackle your direct emissons? Jump into CarbonLeap's Scope 1 reduction service!

We've refined it to address the emissions of the assets you control directly, empowering your business with effective sustainability strategies that target greenhouse gases at the source. 

We understand that direct Scope 1 emissions are a significant part of your environmental footprint and indirectly (Scope 3) of your customers. That's why we offer direct impact and collaborate with top industry players to make sustainability not just an ambition, but a reality.
Ready to tackle your direct emissions? Jump into CarbonLeap’s Scope 1 reduction service!
A truck on a street and the sunset in the background.
For Road
Our Green Diesel program is tailored to your decarbonization needs. We blend the amount of HVO into our fuel pool based on your request, which then gets injected into our road network. You’re free to tank what you want, and because the fuel has been blended on your initiative, you (Scope 1) and your customers (Scope 3) receive the environmental benefits. There’s no risk, and it can fully depend on your customers' demand. 

Reducing CO2 is a global challenge, and it doesn't matter who, where, or when the HVO gets burned. If you can show that your initiative to mix in HVO is making a difference, you're on track with a super scalable and efficient way to green your transport. Plus, you can flexibly adapt this method to fit your needs and budget. 

You're not just reducing emissions; you're transforming your operations into a model of environmental leadership, perfectly aligned with global climate goals. 

A scenery with a road in the foreground, where a truck drives. In the back is a ship on the sea.

For Marine

Become an Origination Partner! Our Scope 3 customers will co-pay for your biofuel usage, and we’ll allocate the Scope 1 CO2 abatement to you and the Scope 3 CO2 abatement to them. 
Book a Meeting

have you made UP your mind?

Are you ready to decarbonise your business? Contact us now!